Sunday, November 3, 2013

Wonder Red . . . to the rescue! (Halloween)

Football Zombie (Halloween).

J decided to be the Football Zombie (a la Plants vs. Zombies game) this year.  I couldn't find a mask (locally...and waited too long to buy anything online) so we came up with this paper mache' get-up.  

This ended up being pretty cheap, actually . . . just had to pay for the paints!! Already had the football gear, and paper mache stuff was paper bag, newspaper, flour and water. Miraculous! 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween 2013 .

Once we got some meds for J, he was good to go along with sister for some Trick-or-Treating. It was a fun night . . . we always enjoy a little time at the end of our culdesac with neighbors, and J found a friend later to go door-to-door with which was a fun bonus!

And just for proof that he DID actually smile in a picture, here is the one of J smiling :)

Wonder Woman (Halloween).

Eighties Baby that I am, I *loved* watching Wonder Woman growing up.  This girl has never seen it, but I bought her a Wonder Woman book last year that she loves.  She is getting older and got this idea on her own volition and stuck with it.  This was even more fun than my original idea (Mary Poppins, b/c she is obsessed with that movie) and has been a great blast from the past for me!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Marburger Farm, Halloween-style.

I love that you can find items that cover year-round holidays....these two fire place andirons (boy I would love to see the fire burning in their eyes!) and collection of hands (complete with "always lend a helping hand" sign) creep me out . . . in the best of ways . (mwah-ha-ha-ha! evil laughter...)